let's be friends.

If I am not behind my computer or camera, you can find me chasing my 1 year old around the house. My family and friends are the most important part of my life. I LOVE the outdoors anything to do with sports. I could eat queso everyday, for every meal and be fine with it. Country music has my heart and never gets old. I love being with my friends, but I am an introvert and recharge by being alone. I am a neat freak and nothing can ever be too organized.

I began taking photos in high school, thinking I knew everything I needed to know (I knew nothing). I was always asking my friends and family if I could practice on them. When I had my son in 2019 I knew I never wanted to forget a moment of his life. I wanted to document everything. I want to relive these moments for years and years, and one day show his family . I then realized my passion for photography was bigger than I ever thought. I get excited with every shoot knowing these moments will never be forgotten.

If you're looking for a photographer whom you could call a friend and be comfortable with, I am definitely your person. If you want moments of your life to last forever, let's get together.